Calcium 600 mg tabs - SPring valley

600 mg per table for calcium supplementation. As always, check with your physician before taking any supplement or medication.

Vitamin D3 Supplement - 2,000 IU gummmies

These gummies have higher dose of Vitamin D3 (2,000 IUs). As always, check with your physician before taking any supplement or medication.

calcium and Vitamin d3 - gummies

For ongoing bone health. Calcium Gummies HES, Vitamins for Adults,221, 500 mg. This is a good supplement for preserving bone stock and promoting healing after injury and fracture. As always, check with your physician before taking any supplement or medication.

topical anti-inflammatory - voltaren gel

Voltaren gel was prescription-only until just recently. It is a topical anti-inflammatory for superficial areas of pain. Since the systemic absorption is very low, it can often be an appropriate alternative in those who cannot take anti-inflammatories/NSAIDs by mouth. As always, check with your physician before taking any supplement or medication.