Rotator Cuff Injury

Preparing for Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery: What You Need to Know

Rotator cuff injuries are a common problem that affects many people, especially athletes and those involved in manual labor. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that surround the shoulder joint and help to move the arm. When these muscles or tendons become damaged, it can lead to pain, weakness, and limited mobility.

If your rotator cuff injury is severe, your doctor may recommend rotator cuff repair surgery. While surgery can be a scary prospect, knowing what to expect and how to prepare can help ease your fears and improve your outcome. Here's what you need to know.

Preparing for Surgery

Before your surgery, you'll need to meet with your surgeon and anesthesiologist to discuss the procedure and your medical history. You'll also need to complete some tests, such as blood work and an electrocardiogram (ECG), to make sure you're healthy enough for surgery.

Your surgeon may also recommend that you stop taking certain medications and supplements that can increase the risk of bleeding. These may include aspirin, ibuprofen, and fish oil, among others. It's essential to follow your surgeon's instructions closely to avoid any complications during or after surgery.

During Surgery

Rotator cuff repair surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, which means you'll be asleep during the procedure. The surgeon will make small incisions in your shoulder to access the damaged tissue and repair it using sutures or anchors. The surgery usually takes about 1-2 hours.

After Surgery

After your surgery, you'll need to wear a sling to support your arm and limit movement while your shoulder heals. You may also experience some pain and swelling, which can be managed with medication and ice packs.

Your surgeon will likely recommend physical therapy to help you regain strength and mobility in your shoulder. It's essential to follow your physical therapist's instructions closely and attend all your scheduled appointments to ensure the best possible outcome.


Recovering from rotator cuff repair surgery can take several months, depending on the extent of your injury and the type of surgery you had. During this time, it's crucial to follow your surgeon's and physical therapist's instructions to avoid complications and improve your recovery.

Some tips for a successful recovery include:

  • Resting your shoulder as much as possible during the first few weeks

  • Doing your prescribed exercises regularly to improve strength and mobility

  • Avoiding activities that require lifting or reaching overhead

  • Using heat and ice packs as recommended by your physical therapist

  • Eating a healthy diet to promote healing and reduce inflammation

In conclusion, preparing for rotator cuff repair surgery can be overwhelming, but knowing what to expect and how to prepare can help ease your fears and improve your outcome. By following your surgeon's and physical therapist's instructions closely, you can ensure a successful recovery and regain strength and mobility in your shoulder.